martes, 17 de abril de 2007

HI! This my blog

UNIDAD9.Welcome to my blog! How are you? This is my final project blog. In this blog I post my work for level Two English class. Everybody is invited to read and leave a comment.

Now, about me…My name is Antonietta Añez but you can call me tata. I from Caracas Originally, I’m twenty years old and study communication at URBE I live in maracaibo in the la Cañada the Urdaneta.I love dancing, music, my family, the hamburgers and the pizzas.My dream is to be happy, graduate, have a good job in a school, my family to be very happy, to speak English, enjoy life and make history.About English, I listen to music and watch TV in English. I love to learn new languages.I can make lost of friends and practice speaking in this class. Well, this is me!... What about you? What’s your name?

Antonietta Añez
Hello people.. Its theses were blogs that visit. Because are very interesting and fine..!!
I hope do your like my commentaries
Public the marts 17 de April Comentarios...

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